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Stippling Paint Technique with Chalk Markers

  • 2 min read

Stippling Paint Technique with Chalk Markers | Chalkola Art Supply

Before we get on to this fun art tutorial, let's break down what stippling means. In the simplest explanation, stippling is a technique that involves drawing, painting, or etching dots onto a surface using your art medium of choice. It can be chalk markers, acrylic paint pens, paint, or even colored pencils. This method is meant to create a recognizable image formed by the group of dots you have painted or drawn, whether it be on a small surface or a large one.

Now that we've defined what the stippling technique is, let's create a vibrant sunflower art out of dots!

Materials needed:

Dot, dot, and create we go! Watch the helpful art tutorial below:


  • Using a pencil, draw a faint outline of your design on the chalkboard.
  • Pick up the brown chalk marker and begin stippling at the center of the sunflower.

Tip: choose the darkest area of your design as a starting point for stippling.

  • Use the orange chalk marker and stipple the outline of each petal.
  • Stipple the inner part of the petals with yellow chalk marker. Just keep stippling until you get the look you want.
  • Use the dark green chalk marker for the outer part of the stem and leaves, and use light green for the inner part.
  • Paint the background with your color of choice, and add details to make the artwork as brilliant as can be!

It may look like a lot of work but it's definitely fun and simple to do! If you loved stippling a sunflower, check out this other awesome tutorial on How to Draw a Sunflower Using Chalk Markers. Happy creating!

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