If there’s ever a perfect time to let someone know you’re thinking about them, it’s right now. And the best way to do that is to send that someone a thoughtful greeting card. Don’t worry about going out to buy one though, because you can easily personalize a greeting card yourself. Make people smile with a delightful card infused with colors, fruits, and puns!
So let's put the pun in fun with this DIY card idea that will only take you minutes to create.
Materials needed:
- Chalkola Acrylic Paint Marker Pens
- Cardstock paper (cut into postcard size)
- Envelope
- Stamps or stickers (optional/in case you want to stick some on your envelope)
Ready to brighten up someone’s day with a punny greeting card? Let’s watch the video below and have some pun!
- Prepare your materials. Think of the punny message you’d like to put on your card and then write it down in your preferred calligraphy style using acrylic markers.
- If you want, you can do your own rendition of the fruity puns we’ve used on our cards–you’ve got three fun ones to choose from! Feel free to add more details into your artwork to highlight your punny message.
- Make sure to add as many colors as you want to make your card design pop!
- Once done, place your card inside the envelope and seal it with a sticker.
It's really easy to show a thoughtful gesture, especially through art. Just keep sharing the pun with everyone and you’ll surely brighten up their day!