Don’t you just love color swatches? Those pretty Pantone color palettes that are so fun to compare side by side, trying to decide which pastels go together, or which neutral color goes best with a bold one. At times, you may also find yourself admiring the used colors on your paint palette, or arranging colored markers based on your favorite shades. Aside from its satisfying effect, color swatching also helps us envision color schemes that would work on an artwork or a design we may have in mind.
With that said, today we’re sharing an easy and quick color swatching art tutorial with a free downloadable template so you can come up with as many color combinations as you want.
This is a great way to get creative during a work break or whenever you want to switch off from a busy day and just play around with colors and practice your art skills.
Materials needed:
- Chalkola Dry Erase Markers
- Chalkola Watercolor Brush Pens (optional)
- Printed template (see below)
Click on this template to download:
Here's a timelapse of the fun we're going to have with this art-ivity!
Print the free downloadable template. If you want to practice drawing, you can draw the markers from scratch.
Start swatching. Fill in the body of the marker with your preferred color.
Color the tip of the marker.
For the color bars, use the broad tip of the marker to create a thick line.
To create a thin line under the color bar, use the pointed tip of the chisel nib.
Repeat this process for the other markers.
Use the gray watercolor brush pen to add shadows underneath the markers. For a softer look, you can use these brush pens to color your template.
Lastly, add labels or messages using a black marker or pen.
Color swatching is much like adult coloring, you get to decide your color schemes and add details like labels, messages, and designs. It also gives you the opportunity to enjoy time off from work, your phone, or whatever it is that’s been keeping you busy. It's a simple way to de-stress and get creative in a jiffy.
You can download as many copies of this template as you want and create multi-colored swatches or one-colored swatches in different gradients or shades. If you enjoyed this, here’s another art tutorial that you can practice drawing and coloring with – How to Draw an Owl Using Dry Erase Markers with Free Tutorial Sheet. Happy creating!